Leiden Bio Science Park: Transforming into a leading Innovation District |
In this Newsletter we want to update you about the activities within our 'Access to' communities, reflect on a few highlights and inform you about news and upcoming events. |
Designed to mutually inspire and develop ideas, our 'Access to' communities bring together entrepreneurs, employees, researchers, students, experts and investment partners. The communities provide access to the ecosystem network, capital and key insights that facilitate professional development and organisational growth.
We have been busy, here are a few updates: |
Human Capital Community Start Human Capital intervision sessions
Do you have a pressing question or dilemma you would like to discuss? Or would you like to share your own expertise to help others? Brainstorm and share with fellow HR professionals during our popular Human Capital Intervision sessions. Upcoming events: 15 June, 5 October and 7 December.
More information and registration |
| Human Capital Community
Human Capital event: Collaborations at the Leiden Bio Science Park
Our second Human Capital meeting on 23 May is dedicated to the second action line from the HCA report; no growth without talent. Theme: Collaborations at the LBSP.
How do we retain our current talent? How do we recruit talent from other regions and sectors? How can we involve the region's untapped labour potential? How can we work together to promote LBSP as an innovation district and ecosystem for (inter-)national talent?
It promises to be an inspiring event!
More information and registration |
Unlock_ Community Show Me The Money, Hard Money is coming again
Save the date! BioPartner, LEH, unlock_ and PLNT are organising ‘Show Me The Money’, Hard Money edition on 15 June. Show Me The Money is an event where startups have the unique chance to speeddate with investors, for investments up to €5 million.
Are you interested as an investor? Contact Barbara or Ruben. Do you want to be there representing your startup? You can register starting 1 May.
Click here to put the event in your calender. Note: this does not mean you have already registered. |
| Unlock_ Community Kick-off unlock_ incubation program 2023
From 4 April onwards, 8 promising Life Science startups are participating in a new cycle of the unlock_ incubation program. We welcome AKIN solutions, Aeonian Biotech, ExCulture, Sencilia, ATECH, Leven Vision, iProtics and Biotactical to the unlock_ community! In the next three months, our participants will be working intensively in various highly interactive sessions to set up their Life Science or Biotech startup. The sessions will be hosted by experts from the LBSP, and cover different topics, like investor readiness, soft skills and business-related topics. After these three months, a tailor-made program consisting of personal coaching, advice and masterclasses will start.
We’ve got a lot going on at the LBSP. Did you know that... |
Leiden Science Run 15 April
Enjoying sports while supporting a good cause? On Saturday 15 April, the Faculty of Science of Leiden University is hosting the Leiden Science Run, a sponsored run across the Leiden Bio Science Park. You run in relay form with a team of four. Each team member runs 5 km. The entire amount raised goes to charity: the foundation for refugee students UAF (Universitair Asiel Fonds).
More information |
| Call to all LBSP organisations: cooperation needed during the Life Science Internship Orientation days on 24, 25 and 26 April 2023
Leiden University of Applied Sciences – Faculty of Science & Technology and the mboRijnland-MLO are organising internship orientation days to give students insight into the various internship opportunities that fit their education. ''We are looking for organisations on the LBSP to be present at the market with a booth and/or to receive students and contribute to bring students a little closer to actual practice''.
If you would like to help, please contact:Nathalie Holverda Event Coordinator. |
Dutch Donor Feces Bank (NDFB) is looking for feces donors!
The NDFB is a non-profit organisation within the medical microbiology department of the LUMC. We process healthy donor stools into transplant products suitable for the treatment of patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections. This is an intestinal bacteria that can infect the colon and cause (severe) diarrhoea. Faecal microbiota transplantation is also being tested in studies for a range of diseases based on a perturbed microbiome (intestinal flora): such as ulcerative colitis, Parkinson's disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and to boost immune therapy for cancer.
We are looking for healthy donors (selected via several screening methods) that could deliver the faeces within 2 hours at the LUMC against a reimbursement of expenses. For more information about fecal microbiota transplantation or donorship please visit the website ndfb.nl or send us an e-mail: info@NDFB.nl.
Working on the Sustainable Development Goals The goal of sustainable development is to make the LBSP future-proof for people, planet and profit.
Working together in this pursuit is the key to success.
In the upcoming months, Josephine Struijk (intern at the Leiden Bio Science Park Foundation) is exploring the different initiatives and actions on sustainable development at the LBSP. She will investigate what practices different organisations have and if there is an opportunity to collaborate. Would you like to share your organisation’s experience on sustainable development? Please send an e-mail to: jstruijk@lbsp.nl. |
Should we modify babies’ DNA? Debate on 19 April
Science may be value-free, but the application of science is not. That is why the Education Network South Holland organises debates for students and scientists from the field. This Leiden Science and Debate Day is part of the educational innovation project Debate and Science in the Classroom 2022-2024. The pupils have already attended 1 or 2 debate workshops on human DNA adaptations prior to this day.
If you / your company think you can contribute to the success of this day in another way (e.g. through interesting cases as teaching material), please send an e-mail to the ICLON institute at Leiden University. |
Call for action: Participate in the Life Sciences & Health (LSH) week from 22 to 29 June
The Life Sciences & Health (LSH) week from 22 to 29 June offers a perfect opportunity to showcase the Life Sciences & Health developments of your organisation. Please let us know (events@lbsp.nl) if you have ideas on how to participate in the LSH week or if you already have activities planned in this week.
An overview of the activities which are already planned during this week can be found further down in this newsletter.
More information |
We’ve got a lot going on at the LBSP. Here are a few highlights of this month.. |
Successful meeting makes mobility task clear On 30 March in the afternoon a variety of parties gathered around during the LBSP Mobility event. Alderman Ashley North emphasized that Leiden is ambitious and how important it is that the area is appropriate accessible.
Various organisations explained how they deal with mobility. For example, BaseClear uses an app to make it easy for employees to travel by train and bicycle, but also to register their journeys.
Hogeschool Leiden likes to collaborate with other parties, for example in sharing sustainable transport, parking and bicycle storage solutions.
Elske van de Fliert from South-Holland mobility spoke about the opportunities that this government organisation offers companies and research institutions. This provides insight into the potential in terms of CO2 reduction and cost savings. It also provides insight into which travel alternatives employees have. Organisations that would like to learn more about this project can contact Elske / 06-18690896.
The urgency of actions, but also the opportunities for collaboration led to interesting conversations during the networking drinks. To be continued! |
| Human Capital event 'Lifelong Learning' On 21 March the first Human Capital meeting of this year took place. The theme was 'Lifelong Learning' and we had an interesting programme with a presentation by the CIV (Centre for Innovative Craftsmanship) Bio Sciences, followed by a panel discussion and concluded with networking drinks.
The demand for talent at the Leiden Bio Science Park exceeds the supply. How will ‘Lifelong Learning’ be able to change this? LLO is mentioned in the recently published Human Capital Agenda (HCA) LBSP as one of the solutions to obtain and retain sufficient and up-to-date talent for the LBSP.
Sandra Migchielsen took us through her presentation on what the CIV Bio Sciences is currently doing and organising within the topic of lifelong learning in general and specifically at the Leiden Bio Science Park.
During the panel discussion, moderator Ida Haisma, asked the panel members several questions about what the organisations which they represent are currently doing with Lifelong Learning and what their contribution to LLO on the Leiden Bio Science Park is. There were also many questions came from the audience. The panel members, Maria Plug (Centrum Bioscience en Diagnostiek - Hogeschool Leiden), Ronald Kompier (Biotech Training Facility), Marwin Albertema (Janssen Inc.) en Sandra Migchielsen (CIV Bio Sciences) took time to answer all these questions, providing the audience with more clarity and information. It was a valuable and interesting panel discussion with a lot of interaction.
Successful first Microbiome TechTalk
We had a successful first Microbiome TechTalk on 21 March at Naturalis Biodiversity Center with a full house.
Thank you to all the speakers for their inspiring presentations and their contributions to setting the ground for an active #microbiome network at Leiden Bio Science Park.
Organisation TechTalk, Baseclear and IFF are already planning on co-hosting future events to promote an ongoing dialogue in the microbiome field. To be continued!
Winners art competition 'Your Art in a Leiden Bicycle Tunnel' announced
A good connection between the Leiden Bio Science Park and the city centre of Leiden creates opportunities for entrepreneurs and institutions in both areas. In order to (symbolically) strengthen the bond, designs have been submitted to make the Rijnsburger tunnel more attractive. Alderman Fleur Spijker recently announced which designs will be given a place in the tunnel with the help of ARTvertisements.
One of the selected designs is by Esmé Postma (LBSP Foundation) and Sheila Herron (Janssen Biologics) who depicted Boerhaave walking through the LBSP for the TEDxBoerhaavedistrictStudio project.
Gwen van Overbeke collected the award on behalf of the LBSP Foundation and TEDxBoerhaavedistrictStudio.
The TEDx project of initiators Martijn Wapenaar and Annalise Vujcich aims to draw attention to appealing stories from and around the LBSP.
TEDxBoerhaavedistrictStudio and the LBSP Foundation have ideas for a live TEDx event at the LBSP next year. Stay tuned! |
| |
Stay connected. Keep up to date with the latest developments and participate in one of our in-person or online events. These next months April, May and June, we are offering the following events and activities: |
13 April
Leids Goeds Festival
After a successful 1st edition of the Leids Goeds Festival last year, we would like to invite you again this year to get to know wonderful innovations by inspiring entrepreneurs in a creative and interactive way, through games, workshops, and other fun initiatives.
Start 18 April Exhibition: Unimaginable
A tiny microscope was all he needed to uncover an entirely new world, a world nobody had seen before. From 18 April 2023, National Museum Boerhaave revisits a world first discovered by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek 350 years ago. The amazing microworld becomes visible in the special temporary exhibition 'Unimaginable'. How Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope changed the world. |
Every Wednesday: next 19 April Indoor/outdoor bootcamp lessons starting
Talentmark, LBSP Foundation and Kadans would like to stimulate a healthy work - life balance for everyone working at the LBSP. Therefore we organise a weekly “Wednesday-Bootcamp”. Every week a professional trainer will either give a bootcamp session for a good workout or a mindfulness session to help you relax. The training will be from 17:00 – 18:00h. There are limited spaces available each week, so register early.
Talentmark & LBSP Foundation and Kadans looking forward welcoming you.
| 20 April
Life Sciences Café
The Life Sciences Café (LSC) is a recurring monthly event to stimulate partnerships at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), where you will also be updated on the latest developments. This year, we particularly welcome new members on the LBSP to 'take the stage' to introduce themselves. |
10 May Workshop: Save money and time – learn searching in patent publications
You are working on a new technology. But how do you find out if your technology is new or if you are not taking advantage of other people's patents? Patent publications give you answers to these questions and help you innovate smarter. Sign up for this workshop and learn tricks on effective patent searching and how they will help you in your business. |
| 11 May
Life Sciences Café
The Life Sciences Café (LSC) is a recurring monthly event to stimulate partnerships at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), where you will also be updated on the latest developments. This year, we particularly welcome new members on the LBSP to 'take the stage' to introduce themselves. |
9 June TK Challenge Bio Science Park Run
The second edition of the TK Challenge Bio Science Park Run will take place on Friday 9 June at 16.30h. This 5-6 km run through the LBSP is open to everyone. |
| 15 June Football versus Cancer tournament The Football versus Cancer tournament will take place on 15 June. The goal is to raise money for the 'Deltaplan pancreatic cancer'.
Twenty teams will play five-a-side football on a quarter pitch. The tournament will finish with a barbecue. All organisations at LBSP are more than welcome to participate.
Please sign up before 15 April by emailing Annemiek at annemiek.vandenende@servier.com |
22 June Life Sciences Café and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the OVBSP
This second edition of the Life Sciences & Health week kicks off with the 25th anniversary of the Bio Science Park Entrepreneurs Association (OVBSP) in combination with the June Life Sciences Café. |
| 28 & 29 June RegMed XB 1st Annual Conference Are you ready to join the RegMed XB 1st Annual Conference? This is the leading Regenerative Medicine event in the Netherlands on 28 and 29 June 2023 at CORPUS Leiden. This event will also mark the end of the LSH week 2023. |
26 June Year event Centre for Innovative Craftsmanship (CIV) Bio Sciences
The Year event of the Centre for Innovative Craftsmanship (CIV) Bio Sciences will take place on 26 June from 15.00 – 18.00h. CIV Bio Sciences is a dynamic public-private partnership between companies, governments, and education around the Human Capital Agenda at the Leiden Bio Science Park. More information will follow soon.
| 22-29 June
How healthy are you really? The students of the Doctor's Assistant course at mboRijnland can answer this question! During the LSH week you are welcome for a free health check at the Health Information Point at mboRijnland. |
◼️ Next newsletter Our next newsletter will be the May edition, which you will receive mid May. ◼️ Sharing and creating a community – together
Do you know people within your network or organisation (or beyond) who might enjoy this newsletter? Please forward it to them. Let’s build the LBSP Innovation District together. |
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